
The beautiful east side of the Jordanelle is home to some of the most stunning natural sceneries in Utah. This side of the Jordanelle boasts incredible views of the Deer Valley Ski Resort and other magnificent peaks such as Mount Timpanogos. Homeowners can also access the lake from Ross Creek area, making it a great spot for non-motorized boating (paddleboarding, kayaking) fishing, or just relaxing and admiring nature. The east side of Jordanelle offers an incredible amount of outdoor recreational activities year-round with its breathtaking sights awaiting those who come to explore it.

South End of the JordanelleList of CommunitiesSouth End of the JordanelleTrailsSouth End of the JordanelleShop for HomesSouth End of the JordanelleSearch For LotsSouth End of the JordanelleShopping & Eating Previous slide Next slide voted “best amenities” The smaller of the areas as far as population goes, but big on amenities and up-and-coming communities. The south […]

The North is an incredibly beautiful area, full of luxurious, modern townhomes and large estate-style neighborhoods. Whether you’re looking for a cozy retreat or a pristine home on spacious land, the northern part of the Jordanelle has something to offer.